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Friday 22 January 2010

VMware Update Manager Download Service

I knew it existed, but I hadn't come across this until now, so here are my notes.

The UMDS is very useful in 2 scenarios

1. When the VUM server has no access to the internet (proxy or not)
This is a pretty obvious use case. VUM can't get the updates, so something else needs to.

2. When there are multiple VUM servers
To avoid all the VUM servers downloading all the same patches, just have UMDS do it instead, and then place them onto a shared device/folder somewhere that all the VUM servers have access to.

In both cases, the updates will be downloaded by UMDS, exported, and then placed onto some sort of shared storage that the VUM servers can see. In scenario 1, this can be a shared folder, a usb drive, or even a CD. In scenario 2, I would suggest that only a shared folder makes sense.

UMDS is not very attractive in terms of using it, it doesn't have a GUI, and you need to use the command vmware-umds which is found in the c:\program files\vmware\infrastructure\update manager folder. Here are the switches as reported by the -H (--help) option:

Basic Commands:

-H [ --help ]
Help on running (this description)

-D [ --download ]
Download Updates based on the current configuration

-E [ --export ]
Export Updates

-R [ --re-download ]
Re-download the Updates

-S [ --set-config ]
Setup Initial Configuration

-v [ --version ]
Print the UMDS version number

-i [ --info-level ] arg
The level of information shown on the console: verbose, info.

Optional arguments for Export and Re-download:

--export-store arg
The destination directory for export operation (Overrides setting from initial configuration)

-s [ --start-time ] arg
For re-download, restrict selection to include updates downloaded since this time (inclusive). Format is ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[Z]. Use 'Z' at the end to indicate UTC

-t [ --end-time ] arg
For re-download, restrict selection to include updates downloaded till this
time (inclusive). Format is ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[Z]. Use 'Z' at the end to indicate UTC

Arguments for setting up initial configuration:

--patch-store arg
The directory to store all the downloaded updates

--proxy arg
Proxy Server settings in host:port format.To disable proxy, use --proxy ""

-h [ --enable-host ] arg
Enable ESX Host update downloads: true or false

-w [ --enable-win ] arg
Enable Windows VM update downloads: true or false

-l [ --enable-lin ] arg
Enable Linux VM update downloads: true or false

-e [ --export-store ] arg
The default directory for exporting updates

--lang arg
Specify the languages for which updates are downloaded. Multiple values are allowed. Valid values are: ARA, CHS, CHT, DA, ELL, ENU, FI, FRA, GER, HEB, HUN, ITA,

So the common setup commands will be:

vmware-umds -S -h true
vmware-umds -S -w false
vmware-umds -S -l false

If you only want to download host patches and not Virtual Machine patches. I haven't found a way of only downloading certain versions of host patches such as only the ESXi 4 patches. You will end up downloading ALL the patches for ALL the versions.

When you have run the commands above, you can now download the patches by running:

vmware-umds -D

This will download the patches into the repository you specified during install. BEWARE - this takes a LONG time!


See to see how to only download ESX 4 patches

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